Our versatile, decorative wall render
Whether you have a blown brick wall, an unsightly block wall or want an authentic looking stone wall without the cost, Wallcrete is an effective solution for any garden, frontage or house wall .
Gives the appearance of natural stone.
Realistic texture
Simulate real wood without the worry of it rotting or weathering
Easily add features such as these keystones over the mirrored doorway.
There are many ways in which Wallcrete can be used to suit your application. In this example Wallcrete was used to cover over a pre-existing block wall and colours were chosen to blend in with the existing stone garden wall which it joins to. Cappers were added on top of the wall, also using Wallcrete, to protect the wall from weather and an extra recess under the cappers was added to allow the addition of lights at a later date.
This nature pond used to look overgrown and unkept with its previous smooth render wall and unsecured pool liner. We added this render to match the other wall in the garden and made the pond look more natural and finished
Wallcrete Print Options
Deep Textured Dry Stack
Mountain Dry Stack
Southern Ledgestone